The Average Man

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


In honor of Obama's health care speech today, I thought I would do another quick post on this all so important debate. First, I want to give a shout-out to a nice little article that I read on the Indy's site today; it really hits home all the reasons we need to get this thing done. Here's my favorite part ...

I trust the V.A., Medicare, and Social Security far more than an industry that takes profit made by denying coverage to millions and hands it over to lobbyists to make sure that the common guy doesn’t ever get a break.

One of the saddest things I see recently are the misinformed people at political rallies shouting down politicians trying to express themselves. They say they are afraid of socialism while they collect their Social Security checks and rely on Medicare. They say they don’t want a government plan, but they are willing to let a CEO making $30 million a year decide that millions of people be denied insurance so their profit margin moves up. I don’t think they are hypocrites, I think they really must be afraid.

I think that pretty much says it all. But, if this guy's story doesn't get you, then watch ...

We are better than this!



At 1:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CEOs will make $40M under Owebama next year. Mandates are fascist.

At 5:08 PM, Blogger Trekking Left said...

Hi Edgar - I have to disagree with you on this one ... I was skeptical of mandates at first, but I do believe it's the only way to get a big enough pool of people to negotiate better prices. Plus, I would add that it is actually costing us more to have the insured go to emergency rooms for care. To me, it does make sense to have medical insurance be mandatory just as it is for car insurance.

And the way to prevent CEOs from making $40M is to have a public option.

At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care. I will probably be taxed extra because of my high deductible plan. Little people taxes are going up, I can't stop the fascist train from leaving the station. I will hate this gubmint with every fiber of my being tho...

At 11:35 AM, Blogger TheAverageMan said...

A mandate with no public option is a HUGE handout to the insurance companies. If everyone has to buy it, yes, costs will go down. But without legit competition, they can STILL set rates wherever they want.

Edgar, the fascist train left the station when Reagan was elected.

The government is ours, in fact it is US. Or it should be. The problem is corporate money.

The fight for public insurance is not over yet! Fight on! Bombard your reps with letters.

Even more fun, show up at a teabagger rally as Billionaires for Wealthcare. I'm gonna start a local chapter here. TL, you with me?


At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello TheAverageMan,

This gubbermint doesn't give a rat's ass about me. All they love is money. Write them? I wish a house would fall on them.

At 12:47 PM, Anonymous weight, no, buzzsaw99 said...

I will be happy to start the healthcare reform talk with you.

The 6-10% that you take out of healthcare and pay as profit should be the very first thing to go.

All healthcare insurance should be administered by non-profits. Mandatory.

At 12:48 PM, Anonymous wait, no edgar said...

While we're at it let's talk about malpractice insurance. What a racket!

At 5:21 PM, Blogger Trekking Left said...

"The 6-10% that you take out of healthcare and pay as profit should be the very first thing to go."

If you're saying that health care should not be a for-profit system, I totally agree. But the insurance companies would never let that happen.

"All healthcare insurance should be administered by non-profits."

Again, I agree, but I don't think that's possible.

"While we're at it let's talk about malpractice insurance. What a racket!"

What's your stance on tort reform for the medical system?

At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Aztrader said...

Just got my renewal from Blue Cross of AZ. I just turned 50, so got an increase from $1082 a quarter to $1416 a quarter. The bill came yesterday and it was for $1701. Just substantially raised my deductible to get the premium back to what I was paying.
This increase is insane! I guess they don't want any of us old geezers on their plan. Is this a sign that the insurance companies are trying to force people to want a public option? Either the companies are going broke or they are using the panic out there to **** their policy holders...

At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi T.L.

I've been lifting comments from elsewhere that fit in with this debate. I hope you don't mind.

Tort reform?

Bad doctors, who won't liberally write scripts for the good drugs, should be rooted out of the business. As for malpractice, I feel a cap of $500k for a death should be enough. If there is a lingering problem then $250k + all the good drugs your system can handle.

As for health care "reform", I don't believe the fascist gubbermint will do anything except rob me to benefit the corporations.

At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almost half of all [doctors] will quit if it passes.

I just heard it doesn't go into effect until 2013. HAHAHAHAHA!! I'll be happy if I live that long.

At 10:01 AM, Blogger TheAverageMan said...

yeah, but quit if *what* passes. "overhaul"? there's what, five different plans at the moment?

Says here that "A RWJF survey summarized in the September 14, 2009 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine shows that 62.9 percent of physicians nationwide support proposals to expand health care coverage that include both public and private insurance options—where people under the age of 65 would have the choice of enrolling in a new public health insurance plan (like Medicare) or in private plans."

and regardless, we all know that a public insurance plan is the only way to drive down private insurance rates and keep them from dropping people.

the bigger question for me, edgar, is why do you always sound defeated before the fight is over? you seem to want to find ways to justify giving up.

dude, take some action! go to a rally, make a sign, yell and scream. whether or not you win the fight, you'll feel a whole lot happier. i guarantee it.

At 11:03 AM, Blogger Trekking Left said...

"Almost half of all doctors will quit if it passes."

In addition to TAM's comments, I guess the question I have is ... What exactly are the doctors upset and/or worried about with reform? The article doesn't really say.

At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just passed along the link because it was on topic. I have no opinion and think doctors are nazis who prescribe crap but won't let people have the good stuff. Anymore when someone comes home with a script for hydrocodone I yell hooray! If the gubbermint wanted to start a public plan that everyone who made under $30k/yr could enroll in free, and everyone above that paid on a sliding scale, that would be fine with me. That's not what it's about, they are trying to reduce medicare costs by taxing the poor healthy people and I think it uber-sux stinx whatever.

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

George Bush the Third has spoken:

“Department of Health and Human Services:
Cease and Desist Order:
Humanna who urged it's Medicare recipients to call their congressmen and question them about cuts to Medicare under the Obamacare program were told to;
Stop 'misleading' and 'confusing' mailings, saying, quote: "We are instructing you to immediately discontinue all such mailings, and remove any related materials from your Web sites.”

Outraged that the federal government placed a gag order on health care companies concerning cuts in Medicare, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell took to the floor of the Senate to condemn this muzzling of free speech and to demand that the gag order be lifted.


At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Says here:

If I were going to protest something it would be the senseless slaughter in Afghanistan.


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