I know Obama isn't perfect, but (I'm sorry) I just love this guy ... I can't help it. First, we find out that he reads Spider-Man. And now we find out he really likes Star Trek. Here's an excerpt from a recent Newsweek interview:
And the last movie you saw?
Now, movies I've been doing OK [with] because it turns out we got this nice theater on the ground floor of my house … So Star Trek, we saw this weekend, which I thought was good. Everybody was saying I was Spock, so I figured I should check it out and—[the president makes the Vulcan salute with his hand].
Very good.
Yes, absolutely.
Did you watch that when you were growing up?
I used to love Star Trek. You know, Star Trek was ahead of its time. There was a whole—the special effects weren't real good, but the storylines were always evocative, you know, there was a little commentary and a little pop philosophy for a 10-year-old to absorb.
A lot of U.N. stuff.
Yes, exactly, right.
I swear, Barack might just be the coolest guy on the planet right now. In fact, he might just be the coolest guy in the entire United Federation of Planets.
Labels: barack obama, star trek
Even better, the Obamas dined in Paris at the one place Amy and I went to twice when we were there last year. And it wasn't the kind of place only a Prez of the US could afford, either.
"In fact, he might just be the coolest guy in the entire United Federation of Planets"=coffee on keyboard.
Cool pic!
I'm not all that big on Obama. I just knew as of that Primary in Iowa that he was the best candidate (President) we Americans could find in the next three decades. That's why my yard signs went up in February '08. He disappoints daily. But I am damned glad he's in and proud to have s.upported him from the get-go
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