After several months of Norm Coleman assishness, Al Franken is finally named the second Senator (elect) from the great state of Minnesota. Go Vikings!
Anyway, it is now time for the Democrats to grow a pair and get something substantial done. I, for example, want real health care reform WITH A PUBLIC OPTION. If the Dems -- yes, including you, Obama -- can't get this done now, you are going to lose seats in 2010 ... and probably should.
TL Out!
Labels: al franken, barack obama, norm coleman
Holy cow! Who was that masked and insistent blogger?
Just trying to stay one step ahead of "Knit Another Planet" ...
Hello all,
I'm glad Franken won. Here's what ["my guy"] had to say. I hate to say it, but inhofe is right about cap & trade, it is theft by the asshole states & corporations plain and simple. In a way I'm glad we elected our token black president, now I can vote republican the rest of my life with a clear conscience. There's no difference between the parties at all. Thanks Obama.
"I hate to say it, but inhofe is right about cap & trade"
I respect your views on the cap & trade system, and I have to admit that I don't understand all of its implications. But from what I've read in the NYT and such, it's at least a positive start in the right direction, no? Having said that, Inhofe is a boob, and I wouldn't listen to a single word that man says. I mean, the guy STILL thinks global warming is a hoax. He is crazy and is the last person on earth who should be calling someone a clown.
"There's no difference between the parties at all."
I'm not naive enough to think that the Dems are all saints and that they are not influenced by big business. BUT ... they are certainly NOT the same as republicans. At least Democrats generally care about helping people over companies. In everything from civil rights to health care to climate change, they usually come down on the right side of the issues (if not always coming up with the best solutions). Republicans, on the other hand, care only about helping the rich get richer and maximizing corporate profits at all costs.
Hello t.l., you wrote:
Having said that, Inhofe is a boob, and I wouldn't listen to a single word that man says. I mean, the guy STILL thinks global warming is a hoax. He is crazy and is the last person on earth who should be calling someone a clown...
I couldn't agree more. Funny, because relatives of mine went to h.s. with the guy and think he's great.
At least Democrats generally care about helping people over companies...
I have to disagree there. The dems only care about the big banks that finance their campaigns. They take a "greener" stance but it is a feint. Best.
I have to agree. At least so far this year, the Democrats in power have basically said the right things and done the wrong. They say what we want to hear about energy independence and civil rights, just they same way Repugs promise to pass flag burning and gay marriage amendments, but once elected, come up with a million excuses why they can't deliver.
If you look at my post above, their true excuse is that all of them are up to their eyeballs in corporate money. That's who really has the power, and in a lot of cases, actually writes the legislation.
That said, with Franken seated, and enough public pressure, we just might get ourselves a real public health care option.
A follow up on cap and trade -- Matt Taibbi just wrote an incredible article on Goldman Sachs, and at the end suggests that C&T is merely the next bubble that they plan to exploit, a la housing, dot com, etc...
hello a.m.,
and at the end suggests that C&T is merely the next bubble that they plan to exploit...
yep. it is a direct tax levied upon the people for the benefit of wall street. they are going to destroy every last business in america for the sake of the plutocrat circle of executives.
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