The Average Man

Saturday, March 14, 2009


While most of the world has been focusing (and rightfully so) on the weirdly surreal battle between Jon Stewart and Jim Cramer, I've actually been slightly more interested in a couple of recent Chris Matthews interviews on Hardball. For the record, Mr. Matthews runs hot and cold with me ... I have, in fact, read a couple of his books. But, over the last few years, he's generally made me more mad than glad.

Anyway, I think that I may have to give ol' Chris another looksy after I fell upon his interview with Ari Fleischer last week. You can catch it here if you'd like (and you really should), but in a nutshell, Mr. Fleischer was trying very hard to defend W.'s record as president, and Chris would have none of it. The entire interview was incredible, but I really want to focus on how it ended:

Fleischer: "After September 11th having been hit once how could we take a chance that Saddam might strike again? And that's the threat that has been removed and I think we are all safer with that threat removed."

Matthews: "I'm proud that we no longer have an administration that uses that kind argument...and the American people are too."

Fleischer: "Well, Chris, we all know where you stand.

Matthews: "And you as well sir."

Now, you might have read that and said yourself, "So what, I know Fleischer is a tool?" No, no, no ... read that first statement again. Who might strike again after September 11th? That's right, after all this time, they are STILL trying to convince us that Saddam was involved in 9/11. Unba-freakin-lievable!

I actually thought I was the only one to catch this. I mean, Huffington Post, Keith Olbermann, and Chris Matthews himself all discussed this amazing interview, but none of them mentioned the huge (intentional) blunder by Ari Fleiser. I really felt the need to write someone (anyone!) and ask why no one is talking about this.

Well, the next day, I got my wish. And I got it in a big way ...

I truly believe that the biggest (and most under reported) story of the decade is how Bush duped the entire country into believing that the Iraq War was revenge for 9/11. It may be too little too late, but at least someone in the mainstream media finally had the guts to call someone out on this BS.

Thank you, Chris!

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At 9:59 AM, Blogger Chryss said...

Sheesh. How do people watch this stuff? I couldn't even make it through the 6 minute clip.

It's all about casting the seeds of doubt... keep casting and casting... Evil.


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