The Average Man

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


In my on-going obsession with Al Franken's run for the Senate, three recent events have me a little concerned. First, there was the news that Norm Coleman's lawyers convinced the court to review some rejected ballots that were (apparently) all hand-picked from heavy Republican districts. Then, there was this rather Divine blog entry from Smart Politics. Here's the most important quote:

When asked about the recount and how it is affecting him personally, Coleman said he starts every day with a prayer and that he knows “God wants me to serve.”

And finally, there was this gem from Huffington Post about some big-wig GOP fundraiser for Coleman:

Propping up Coleman's legal campaign has proven a win-win for the GOP. The party continues to hold on to the possibility of picking up the seat, but they also keep Al Franken from becoming the Democrats' 59th caucusing member. And with the Minnesota election likely to remain unresolved until April or May, Franken's absence will loom large over many of the intense, filibuster-inducing legislative fights in Congress.

So, in summary, the G-O-P and the G-O-D are now pulling out all the stops to prevent Franken from taking his seat in the Senate.

Should I be worried?

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At 1:57 PM, Blogger Kristin Anderson said...

I don't think GOD takes sides on these issues. She is just watching these two senator contestants learn their lessons--whatever they might be.

At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus told me personally that He had always wanted Al Franken to win, because He enjoyed Al's books. (Jesus said He doesn't watch TV or listen to the radio). Jesus said that Satan tends to favor the Republicans, and is responsible for the various holdups that are testing Al.


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