The Average Man

Sunday, September 28, 2008


If you want a good indication of how comfortable John McCain is thinking about the economy, I beg you to watch his reaction in the clip below when asked about the subprime mortgage mess. Then, I'd like you to ask yourself if he's the leader we've been waiting for ...

His reaction can only be described as TERROR.

On a separate note ... I've been having a few discussions with friends lately about the Palin-Biden debate this week, and I've been (in the minority) arguing that she is going to "win" the thing. My feelings as to why she will do well can be summed up perfectly in this fake headline by the writers of The Daily Show:


Welcome to George Bush's America.

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At 12:21 PM, Blogger M.C. Confrontation said...

Why would you think she's going to "win?" Don't all of you view her as an unqualified lipsticked pig who was only chosen for the politics of the choice? And isn't Joe Biden uber-qualified and much more experienced debating? Please explain yourself.

At 7:57 PM, Blogger Trekking Left said...

Like Bush in the debates with Kerry, the bar has been set so low that she will "win" by simply not embarrassing herself.

In addition, it is my theory that Biden is going to be so scared of offending her or whatever, that he will not be himself.

There you have it. We'll see if I'm right.

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The less Biden says, the better.

Let Palin regurgitate her talking points ad nauseam. All Biden has to do after she says something egregious and it's his turn is to say: "Would you like to repeat x?"

If she accepts, then let her do it. If she says the exact same thing, then he should repeat it: "Let me be clear. You're saying x," followed by his rebuttal. If she does not say the same thing, he should call her on it, then follow with his rebuttal.

If she declines, then he should repeat it: "Let me be clear. You're saying x." Then he should school her.

Joe: Be short and to the point. Then defer. I don't believe there's a requirement that you have to fill your alloted time. Let her fill some of your alloted time. And mind your body language. No sighs, eye rolls, smirks, or looking at watches. McCain lost the first debate because he couldn't/wouldn't look Obama in the eye.

TL: You worry too much. A low bar only helps Palin in an interview. She may exceed expectations, but she doesn't win a debate if that's all she does. She also has to beat Biden. All Biden has to do is let her beat herself.

At 9:16 PM, Blogger TheAverageMan said...

And to clarify, I think by "win", TL does not mean that she's going to win any arguments, just that the corporate media will be able to say she did well, or held her own, or however they want to spin it, because the expectations are so low.

She's so completely unqualified for this job. And it was reckless and irresponsible for McCain to choose her.

At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my hopes for my gubmint are low. if they don't murder me w/ nukes &/or bio-weapons i will be happy. the days of lincoln, jefferson, and jackson are over. lower your expectations.

At 11:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I give Palin credit for a tie, even though she failed to answer several questions.

Her response to the Cheney question was unacceptable. Biden's was a slam dunk.


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