The Average Man

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I can't go another minute without making a quick statement about this year's Emmy Awards. Those who know me will tell you that I watch a great deal of television (probably too much), so the Emmy's are actually often more exciting for me than the Oscars. Over the last few years, however, I've become increasing irritated with this particular awards show. I could go on and on as to the reasons for my outrage, but let's just say that I can't for the life of me understand why the academy isn't falling all over themselves to give an Emmy to Hugh Laurie, and yet, James Spader has like four!? I mean, I love Boston Legal, but please.

Anyway, this year's Emmy Awards might be the last straw for me. I'm already disgusted with all the "Reality TV" that permeates the airwaves these days, but to have the Emmy's be hosted by reality television people is just insulting to those of us who try to convince others that quality TV does exist out there.

But that's not what really set me off ... When the writer of the HBO mini-series John Adams was making his speech, he started off by saying something to the effect that his work reminds us of a time when presidents could talk in full sentences. He barely got that out of his mouth before the network CUT TO A COMMERCIAL! You can read more about it here.

So much for free speech.



At 8:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a sad commentary on my lack of a life that I watched the Emmys. It was undoubtedly the worst awards show I have ever seen.

Would an Oscar ever be given to Rob Schneider? Then why the %^#% is an award bestowed to anything having to do with reality TV?! Awards shows should be about excellence.

And why all of a sudden is there an emphasis on ending on time? Too much good stuff got cut because of the five hosts' ill-advised opening skit. Very uncomfortable to watch.

At 8:50 AM, Blogger M.C. Confrontation said...

My wife loves rreality TV, so inevitably I must endure hours of programming which after viewing I am undoubtedly dumber. But there is one show that is an absolute must see for me in reality TV land: The Ultimate Fighter. Have you seen this show? It's awesome! It basically consists of 45 minutes of trash talk with a three round UFC fight at the end of every episode. You should check it out.

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Trekking Left said...

Al - I totally agree. I mean, how is it okay to play the winners off after 30 seconds but let Jeff Probst talk indefinitely? So lame.

McConf - I actually think reality TV does have its place. The problem is, though, that there's too much of it and it's too cheap to produce. I fear that everything will be reality TV soon, and that's sad to me.

P.S. I don't think The Ultimate Fighter is my cup of tea :)

At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dated a girl named Emmy once. ;)


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