The Average Man

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Just when I think The Santa Barbara News-Press couldn't infuriate me any more, they pull another rabbit out of their hat. On Saturday, I was enjoying my morning jog near one of the The News-Press stands and noticed a column one, front page story stating that the News-Press filed a motion to the NLRB asking it to throw out its previous ruling (in favor of upholding the union vote) because of an e-mail that the union failed to produce during discovery. If you want the details, Craig Smith has a good write-up on it.

What angers me about the whole thing is not that Capello made this motion but that The News-Press chose to make this its main story for the day. Forget that it's not even worthy of a front page story, but consider the following ...

Firstly, this is exactly the same BS they pulled with the Jerry Roberts hard drive article. Just as she did in that horrible story, Wendy disguised what she really wanted to say inside of a supposedly innocent "fact-based" article. In Saturday's edition, the article STATES that The News-Press is filing a motion with the NLRB. But the article SAYS, "Hey look everyone, the union is a bunch of dishonest jerks." In the Jerry Roberts article, the story STATES that The News-Press wants the hard drive back. But the article SAYS, "Hey look everyone, Roberts likes kiddie porn." See how that works?

Secondly, this is a perfect example of how the NP says little to nothing when the union or former employees receive a victory in the courts. But, when it seems The News-Press has an item that skews in their favor, then BOOM, it's front page news! When the judge upheld the union vote recently, was that a front page, column one story? THIS IS THE DEFINITION OF BIAS! Grrrr ....

Lastly, the article was once again written by Scott Steepleton. Not only is he clearly biased in this situation, but he's a witness in the case. Isn't that like a mega conflict of interest? They should have at least slapped in one of their famous "NEWS-PRESS STAFF REPORT" by-lines.

People, please cancel your News-Press subscriptions.

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At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't recall when I last had a News-Press subscription. I tried to find "Calling a Muslim a Terrorist", like the editorial that disappeared on child pornography, that is also a disappeared. Look in on-line NewsPress, Columnists, Dr. Laura, "Calling a Muslim a Terrorist". There is no September 13, 2007, it was in the paper. Did anyone read it? Is it libel? Or just bad taste to make Christians against Wendy McCaw's "American newspaper" antiAmerican. Will the antiAmerican Christians have a chanch to restore their reputations?

"Three Muslims arrested in plot to attack U.S." is that NewsPress bias? I'd like to know why another NewPress disappeared and why no one stands up for the wrongs or is outraged at this bias?

No, I don't read the NewPress. Does anyone monitor it for bias, disappears and when they break the law?


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