The Average Man

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bush warned five days before the Hurricane

Well, if anyone was still holding onto the idea that "President" Bush has any capability for, or even intention of, keeping any of us safe, they can let go of it now.

The AP just released a video of him being warned in detail of what was about to happen. He then promptly went campaigning, and feigned ignorance after disaster struck.

This strikes the Average Man as frighteningly similar to his response to the Presidential Daily Briefing entitled Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in U.S." in August 2001... (or view the actual document here)

P.S. Want to do something? Sign Senator Harry Reid's petition demanding an independent Congressional investigation into the administration's handling of Katrina here.


At 11:12 PM, Blogger Marie Javins said...

So outrageous. What does it take to motivate people?


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