The Average Man

Friday, June 03, 2005

At Last - The Smoking Gun

It's called the Downing Street Memo, but it's actually the minutes of a meeting between President Bush and Tony Blair that proves beyond a doubt that Bush planned to invade Iraq in 2002, regardless of the evidence against it and regardless of the result of the still-ongoing inspections.

"Bush wanted to remove Saddam Hussein, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD," the memo reads. "But the intelligence and the facts were being fixed around the policy,"

-- From a article dated June 1st (lest you think the Average Man is not Fair and Balancedâ„¢...)

What does this mean? It means our President LIED to Congress, and to each of us in 2003, in order to take us to war. If that's not an impeachable and/or criminal offense, I don't know what is.

What is the cost? $200+ billion of our tax dollars gone, 1600+ of our soldiers killed, and 100,000+ innocent Iraqi people dead.

What can we do? The Average Man signed Congressman John Conyers' petition to demand an investigation (currently at 100,000 and counting!) If you've got time, call or write a letter to your newspaper or local TV station and urge them to cover this memo.


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