The Average Man

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Is Torture Okay With You?

Treachery alert!
The Average Man was incredibly excited to hear about John Ashcroft's resignation, until we found out Bush's choice for a replacement: Alberto Gonzales.

Don't know him? Here's a quote from an Associated Press article:

Gonzales publicly defended the administration's policy -- essentially repudiated by the Supreme Court and now being fought out in the lower courts -- of detaining certain terrorism suspects for extended periods without access to lawyers or courts.

He also wrote a controversial February 2002 memo in which Bush claimed the right to waive anti-torture law and international treaties providing protections to prisoners of war. That position drew fire from human rights groups, which said it helped lead to the type of abuses uncovered in the Abu Ghraib prison scandal.

Some conservatives also have quietly questioned Gonzales' credentials on core social issues. And he once was a partner in a Houston law firm which represented the scandal-ridden energy giant Enron.

Great! He sounds pefectly qualified to be our nation's top law enforcement officer. ;-p

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At 10:17 AM, Blogger TheAverageMan said...

The Center for American Progress has just published a rundown of Gonzales' record

At 3:10 PM, Blogger TheAverageMan said...

ActForChange has started this petition to send your senators to make sure they consider his confirmation very carefully and ask the right questions.

At 2:41 PM, Blogger TheAverageMan said...

The Village Voice just published an article covering Gonzales' "achievements" entitled Worse than Ashcroft....


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