Could this really be happening?

It's beginning to look like there's a real possibility that electronic voting machines were subtly (and not-so-subtly) manipulated in Bush's favor, judging by big differences between the exit polls and results -- wahy are the exit polls so accurate in the non-swing states but not in the swing states? I'm willing to concede that Karl Rove's evangelical Get Out The Vote efforts exceeded our own, but only if we are certain that this election was legitimate.
Here's some stories:
• Associated Press
• Thom Hartmann at Common Dreams
• Greg Palast at Tom Paine
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Three brave House Democrats -- John Conyers Jr. of Michigan, Jerrold Nadler of New York and Robert Wexler of Florida -- have submitted an inquiry into problems with electronic voting machines.
Read this article at Wired.
Thom Hartmann is continuing to investigate this. His latest article is at
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This issue is actually getting some "mainstream" attention, even if it's just the fringes so far.
Keith Olbermann's Blog on MSNBC covers it skeptically but pretty in-depth.
"Conspiracy Theories Abound After Bush Victory on treats the story trivially, but then points out many of the massive errors.
Here's an interesting theory about Kerry's concession: 'Think Kerry is not involved in this fight? Think again'. Randi Rhodes on Air America has been suggesting this as well, and has not let up on this cause since election day.
I've just donated a little cash to Black Box Voting to help their efforts.
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