The Average Man

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Coarsening Our National Discourse

Don't like what's on the TV? Then turn the sucker off. Disconnect it if you just can't stop watching.

Don't want to see gay people getting married?. Then mark the "apologies" box on the RSVP card.

Seriously. You have the power to simply ignore it. It's your choice.

What The Average Man cannot ignore are these pictures of our "victory" in Fallujah. Yes, that's our government in action, killing thousands more Iraqi civilians. Do we have revenge for 9/11 yet? Has the rest of the world been reminded how strong and powerful we are yet? Can we please stop now?

We've lost 1230 of our soldiers... or is it 15,000? And many of the ones who make it back return without health care or even in poverty. Not to mention what it's costing us financially.

THIS WAR is coarsening our discourse. Waging war for revenge has put forth the notion that violence can actually solve a single problem in the world. The Average Man recently saw a professional athlete get a beer thrown on him and physically attack a guy half his size for it. Wonder why he felt justified in doing that?

When will enough be enough? That's your choice too.


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