Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Local Heroes:
- I'm Not One to Blog, But ...
- Esau
- Fuller & Fuller
- Craig Smith's Blog
- EdHat
- Big Table
- Aguayo Shed
- Petropest Launchpad
- The Liberal Amphibian
Speaking Truth to Power:
Fight For Your Rights:
- MoveOn
- True Majority
- Common Cause
- Center for American Progress
- People for the American Way
- Act for Change
Protect Our Environment:
What's Bush Up To Today, You S'pose?
Good for a Laugh:

And to think we could've had him for prez instead of the stay puft marshmellow man destructor corrupter idiot ass torturing what's his face. Alas.
From Bill Bonner @ The Daily Reckoning:
No nation can stay on top of the world forever. But when you have no competition, you can't rely on others to bring you down; you have to find ways to destroy yourself. For that job, America found just the men it needed just when it needed them most - Alan Greenspan and George W. Bush. What these two men accomplished is probably one of the greatest feats in human history. They took the richest, most powerful country the world has ever seen and, in the space of only five years, practically ruined it...
"...the stay puft marshmellow man destructor corrupter idiot ass torturing what's his face."
I think that's the title he actually has on his business cards.
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