The Average Man

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


After Hillary Clinton's failed attempt at Universal Health Care back in the early nineties, it seemed that the issue would be forever off the table (kind of like impeachment). Things have certainly changed since then. The rising cost of health care, the number of uninsured in the U.S., and the resurgence of the DemoctratIC party have brought this important issue back to the forefront.

Of course, The Right hates this concept to their core, and they have wasted no time in extracting their false claims and misinformation to convince the public that this is a horrible idea. A couple months ago, I posted a blog entry about Rudy Giuliani's trip to Montecito where I pointed to the following comment made by the distinguished mayor:

Who has the best health care in the world? Who has a better health care system? Is there one we should borrow from somewhere else? Do you want the health care system they have in England? Or Germany, or Canada, or anyplace else?

Then a few weeks later, I had a less than civil debate on the Independent's web site with a right wing guy who goes by the name of "mcconfrontation." Amongst other ... um ... things, he said the following:

... and as for the UHC they propose.... my god. what is this Canada?

Poor Canada. How did they become the health care punching bag for conservatives? As I stated before, this just makes me laugh. There are never any facts to back up these kinds of statements, so instead, they just say it in such a way that you can't help but think it's true ... WHO WOULD WANT TO GO TO A DOCTOR IN CANADA!? OH, THE HORROR!

Now, let's talk truth. Last week, MSN had a great article on this subject with the title Report: U.S. health care expensive, inefficient. I would recommend that you read the whole thing, but if you don't, here's one of many good quotes:

Americans get the poorest health care and yet pay the most compared to five other rich countries, according to a report released on Tuesday.

Germany, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada all provide better care for less money, the Commonwealth Fund report found.

“The U.S. health care system ranks last compared with five other nations on measures of quality, access, efficiency, equity, and outcomes,” the non-profit group, which studies health care issues, said in a statement.

Interesting how three of those five countries made Giuliani's list, huh? The other interesting fact is that all five of them provide universal health care to their citizens. But that's not all the article points out:

The current system leaves about 45 million people with no insurance at all, according to U.S. government estimates from 2005, and many studies have shown most of these people do not receive preventive services that not only keep them healthier, but reduce long-term costs ...

... “It is pretty indisputable that we spend twice what other countries spend on average,” she said.

So, there you have it: we spend way more on health care but are way less healthy as a country. Period.

Now, I know what the Republicans are going to say: "But Trekking Left, we have the best hospitals and the best doctors in the world. When people are really sick, why do they come to the U.S. for treatment?" Good question. The answer is, yes, we do have great health care ... if you can afford it. And that's the problem. We are only providing that awesome health care to our wealthy citizenry. If we were giving it to everyone, then we surely wouldn't be last on that list. Plus, as the article intimated, we spend more on the uninsured anyway because we only treat them after they are really sick. Preventative care saves money!

The more I think about this, the more I wonder why anyone opposes it. Think about this: one of the reasons stated by GM that they are having such a difficult financial situation has to do with the amount of money they spend to insure their employees. What if GM didn't have to worry about that and, instead, could just focus on making cars? Seems to me like universal health care is a win-win for everybody.

So, in conclusion, I'd like to answer Giuliani's question ... "Do you want the health care system they have in England? Or Germany, or Canada, or anyplace else?"

Yes, please.



At 10:19 PM, Blogger George said...

If you think the rightwingers get their fortunately-healthy-tighty-whities in a bunch about health care now, wait till Michael Moore's Sicko starts playing. Then they can pile all their talking points into one mad rush and hate UHC and Moore in one sentence.

Actually, going back to that Indy run of comments you alluded to, someone said that health care is not a right. First, one could argue that the phrase "promote the general welfare" in the preamble of that thing called the Constitution (you know, what George W. wipes his ass on) calls for taking care of the health of everyone. Second, if people around you aren't healthy, you aren't healthy. You'd think people who normally only think of themselves could be smart and selfish. Third, there's the cost issue--no health care means no preventive medicine means someone's paying for a lot of catastrophic health care. That's you, buddy, with the Ayn Rand in your hands.

At 9:45 AM, Blogger M.C. Confrontation said...

Hello again! I didn't know you had your own blog! How neat! Just more space for us to disagree. I wanted to thank you for mentioning our discussion that referred to the proposal of CHC (Communistic Health Care). Did it ever occur to you that the reason our health insurance costs so much is because we actually ARE providing CHC to the millions of illegal immigrants who flood our ERs and are served with free healthcare while the rest of us make up the difference in our premiums? Maybe not. Maybe it also did not occur to you that the five nations that your referenced report points to do not have the illegal immigration problems that we have here in the US. So many of our problems here in the States go back to the immigration issue that it's hard to fathom how the left has not made this a bigger part of their platform. In my opinion, the right hasn't made it a big enough issue either, but only the staunchest of Marxists still advocates the "even amount in each cup" line of thinking. Communism does not work, but you still want a Prius for everybody. Tighten the borders, educate yourselves, get a decent job, and you won't have to worry about your coverage.

At 10:42 AM, Blogger TheAverageMan said...

Yes, providing health care to illegal immigrants puts a tremendous burden on our system, and it's a situation that needs to be dealt with. But if you read any part of my able sidekick TL's post (rather than just noticing an opportunity to spout back stuff you heard Rush Limbaugh or somebody else say) you'd notice he's proposing providing health care for all *American citizens*.

TL doesn't pretend to have all the answers, he just put forth a thoughtful opinion, backed up with links and examples. You are welcome to come here for a conversation, or even a disagreement, but please, do some research, give us some evidence besides your own (or Rush's) opinion, and most of all, leave out the insults and put-downs. Calling something "Communist" or "Marxist" or "Canadian" doesn't make your argument any stronger, it just makes you sound like a bully.

At 10:54 AM, Blogger Trekking Left said...

George - All very good points. As Michael Moore also points out frequently, having healthy people is good for everyone ... even the rich. If someone is generally healthy, they don't take as many sick days at work, for example. And as you point out, it's cheaper to keep someone in good health than fix them when they are in really bad shape.

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Trekking Left said...

jami - As much as I enjoy a good debate, a small part of me was hoping you wouldn't find me here :) ... At any rate, theaverageman is correct: I can go to Fox News for Republican talking points. On this blog, it's nice to have some substance with your rants.

Having said that, let me respond to your main argument regarding illegal immigration. I'll agree that immigrants going to the emergency room and such is AN issue, but the problem with your position is that it is clearly not THE issue. Let's pretend that all illegal immigrants left the country today (your ideal scenario I'm sure). Do you honestly believe that health care costs would suddenly be affordable as a result? And all of a sudden prescription drugs would be really cheap and insurance companies would decrease their rates? Please.

At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jami's a parody, right? I mean, no one can /actually/ be that stupid and intellectually dishonest, right?

At 3:44 PM, Blogger TheAverageMan said...

Yeah, my first thought was that the post wasn't legit, because it does read like a list of RNC talking points. But I checked out his profile, and I think he is a real person, so I let it stay.

Please, the 'no namecalling' rule goes for everybody here. I honestly don't think people who think like this are stupid, just very, very misinformed. The overall attitude of his post seems authentic to me, as I've discovered it in many people I know, even those I consider nice, decent and even caring otherwise. Faux News and right-wing radio have just whipped them into an "illegals/terrorists/liberals/sharks/etc/etc are out to get me" paranoid frenzy.

At 3:56 PM, Blogger George said...

Wow, Jami has a blog and The Average Man/Trekking Left and INOTBB/George are the only two links on his link list as "The Bad Guys"!

We're worse than a Kennedy or Clinton to him!

I've never felt so important--I feel like Jane Fonda without the trip to Hanoi (or the killer thighs and abs).

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Trekking Left said...

They hate me ... they really hate me! I'd like to thank Michael Moore, Al Franken, and my parents who made this all possible.

At 12:11 PM, Blogger M.C. Confrontation said...

Maybe I should change the header linking to you guys' blogs. I don't think you're "bad guys" per se. I just think you're not very strong patriots. You're in the "blame America" crew, and I'm sure it stems from the fact that the country elected and re-elected W. You would be the first to decry the comments by the President at the Coast Guard Academy a few days ago, the ones about all of the terrorist threats we have squashed over the last few years. Do you guys really believe that with Al Gore as President that we would have gone six years without another attack on American soil? Do you really believe that we are less safe now then we would be with your guy in office? I think you do and I think you're wrong to believe so.

At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in favor of a nationwide catastrophic fall back plan. Anyone who doesn't have a gubbermint or corporate fascist plan can buy into my plan for $100 +/- per month and it has a $5000 per year deductible. That way the evil neo-cons can't bankrupt people if they get sick or injured, even if they don't kowtow to the machine.


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