The Average Man

Friday, March 09, 2007


It's a rare instance when two of my passions --comic books and politics -- interconnect, so it is with much enthusiasm that I point you to the latest Huffington Post entry by Ari Emanuel. In it, he argues that Captain America's death was caused by Bush and Cheney. None of us (who care) have much to be patriotic about these days, so I think Ari may be on to something.

For those of you who aren't on top of such things, Captain America was killed by a sniper in the most recent issue. As a rabid fan of the superhero genre, I should be excited by the bigness of this comic book event. But my undervalued "Death of Superman" issue from the 80's tells me otherwise.

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At 10:55 AM, Blogger George said...

I'm not so sure it's a rare instance, Trekking Left--it seems as if much of our politics of late could have come from a comic book.


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