The Average Man

Saturday, April 09, 2005

You Know What They Say About Absolute Power...

... it turns you into an Absolute Asshole.

Treachery AlertSo it was finally confirmed that, yes, a Republican lobbyist (well connected to Tom Delay, naturally) did indeed write the infamous memo hyping the political advantages of making a big stink about reinserting one comatose woman's feeding tube.

The Average Man finds Congressman Tom DeLay's hypocrisy absolutely astounding. Never mind the "sanctity of marriage", as he prevents a husband from making decisions on behalf of his wife. Never mind checks and balances, as he uses Congress to supersede a Judicial ruling. Never mind "states' rights", as he uses the Federal government to overturn the Florida courts. If political advantage could be gained (and the media distracted from the his mounting scandals) then go for it! What a jerk.

On the good news front, The Average Man was proud to be one of the one million people who signed petitions to keep the filibuster that were presented to Senate leader Harry Reid on the capitol steps Wednesday. And kudos to all the organizations (, People for the American Way, and many others) who collected petitions for combining their efforts to put forth a single, powerful statement. You guys like Chocolate Chip Kudos? I'll see what we've got in the pantry...


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