The Average Man

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Inaguration Day

"Today we witnessed more than the coronation of some privileged little munchkin of mendacity. It is the triumphal re-occupation of our nation by nitwits who think Ollie North's a hero not a conman, who can't name their congressman, who believe that Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were going steady, who can't tell Afghanistan from Souvlaki-stan."
-- read the rest of "Oaf Of Office" by Greg Palast

Or like Al Franken said the other day, "Bush's speech would have been inspiring if you didn't know the man's history." All that talk about Freedom and Liberty (the former beat the latter in his address 27 mentions to 15, according to the Daily Show :) while people on the street expressing those ideas get pepper sprayed (this link has an incredible gallery of images from around the world that you probably won't see on TV, thanks to blogger Brad Frieman).

Just so things are "fair and balanced", here's some Fox News coverage. Wait, is that woman actually telling an uncomfortable truth?!? You will have to see this to believe it.


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