Thursday, December 24, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
For the first time since the election, I feel truly upset and defeated. More than anything else, I just really wanted true health care reform with a public option that would finally put those bastard insurance companies in their place. But thanks primarily to that tool of a jerk, Joe Lieberman, that is not going happen.
There was a great write-up by Bob Cesca on Huffington Post this morning that captured my feelings quite well. Here's part of it ...
I'm pissed off.
I'm pissed off at health care reform. I'm pissed off at this endless process of emotional highs and lows and exhilaration and dejection and history and infamy.
I'm pissed off that President Obama "thanked" the independent senator from Connecticut even though the senator nearly killed health care reform this week.
To that point, I'm pissed off at Joe Lieberman. I'm pissed off at his childish, vengeful, opposite-day hackery. I'm pissed off at his giant pie-shaped head and his passive aggression. I'm pissed off that he enjoys government-run Medicare benefits while opposing government-run insurance for the rest of us.
I'm pissed off at the Senate. The whole Senate. The rules, the senators, the color of the walls, the fact that a doof like Chuck Grassley can actually be elected to it. Multiple times. I'm pissed off that even though we finally have a 60 seat supermajority, it's dysfunctional and Harry Reid is in charge of it. I'm pissed off that senators of both parties receive government-run primary care from the Office of the Attending Physician, while denying it to everyone else.
I'm pissed off at cable news and the establishment press for focusing more on The David Letterman & Tiger Woods Underpants Party than the substance of health care reform.
I'm pissed off at Rahm Emanuel and I'm pissed off at the "scary profane a-hole" mythology that's built up around him, and how he only seems to use his powers of intimidation to bully the left.
I'm pissed off at the Republicans. I'm pissed off at their ongoing self-contradictions and lies and bumper sticker sloganeering. I'm pissed off that around 55 Republicans are on Medicare, yet they oppose government-run health care for the rest of us.
I'm pissed off at Tom Coburn's bulbous Dirk Diggler haircut.
I'm pissed off at having to compromise while a handful of lopsidedly powerful conservadems get whatever they ask for.
I'm pissed off at the Senate health care reform bill. I'm pissed off at the House health care reform bill. I'm preemptively pissed off at the conference report, too, and I don't even know if we'll even get that far.
Exactly! And even though I just want to say "screw it" to any kind of reform at this point, I suppose I have to agree with Mr. Cesca on this point as well ...
And I'm pissed off that my progressivism leads me to the unavoidable conclusion that if we don't pass health care reform now, innumerable bad things will continue to happen due to the fact that there's a very serious health care crisis in America. I'm pissed off that I can't, in good conscience, allow my anger to coerce me into believing that we should "kill this bill." I'm pissed off about that, too ... But it undeniably makes sense to take the deal. If progressives successfully convince enough Democrats to kill the bill, do we really want to be the group that plunged the last blade into the back of reform?
Anyway, I don't know, maybe Glee will cheer me up ...
Labels: universal health care
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Since there exists this intense debate (at least in my head) regarding the use of auto-tune by the cast of Glee, I thought it would be a good time to post the newest "Auto-tune the News" segment ...
Labels: auto-tune