Finally, Why We Went to War

Two years later, neither plan for that oil has panned out, 1500+ of our soldiers are dead, Bush got another 80+ billion of our tax dollars to sink into the sand while billions already given are now completely missing, the architect of the whole mess might be put in charge of the World Bank (whose purpose is to help poor nations, not destroy them), and our Alaskan Wildlife Refuge will probably get drilled, even though there's only enough oil under it to last six months.
The Average Man thinks it's high time we got ourselves out of this mess. In fact, a peaceful solution might just be possible! But will Bush & Co take it? Sure, if democracy and peace were their real reasons for invasion.
Way back in 1933, a WWI Veteran named Smedley Butler realized that War is a Racket -- that "for a very few brings fancy profits, but the cost of operations is always transferred to the people -- who do not profit." He even proposed a very simple solution to ending war. Read it and see -- maybe this century, we'll finally figure out how to make it happen?