Where is the Coverage?

The Question of the Day from The Average Father-in-Law:
"Today I read about the FBI memo implicating Rumsfeld in Abu Ghraib.
"Leading to my question of the day for Wednesday:
"Why don't I see these reports of catching the administration in lies, deceptions, incompetence, and malfeasance (and there have literally been dozens in the last few months) on television broadcast news or the major newspapers? Why do I have to read about it in "The Guardian" or in "Truthout" or from some other European news source? Where are the Upton Sinclairs, Ida Mae Tarbells, Lincoln Steffens, Margaret Sangers, George Seldes, John Steinbecks, Rachel Carsons, Betty Friedans, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernsteins of today? I mean besides Molly Ivans.
"In case you were wondering, I didn't just reel off those names from memory. I looked them up in, 'The Great Muckrakers of The 20th Century'. These are just a few. There were many more whose writings and speeches and actions changed the way we live today, all for the better."